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2 Way Athletic Finisher Best Vc My Career 2k18


ph33's Arena

Re: Learning to Embrace the MyCareer Grind in NBA 2K19

I didn't feel like this piece was even worth responding to. But hey, might as well do it.

In the beginning, he says this "I thought I'd have a look at some of the complaints from the 2K community and analyze the validity of their arguments. To do this, I'll be using actual comments taken directly from the NBA2K subreddit."

Alright, so he's decided to personally pick which comments he wants to go after. I'll bet you people there made the same counterpoints I make, but he chose to ignore it. These are the quotes he used:

Counterpoint: Nobody is expecting to start at 80, but being a 60 with no skills is also way too far on the other end of the spectrum.

"Grinding for VC instead of paying for it is equal to working for 40 cents per hour."
-I'm sorry, are you being forced to work long hours at some sort of 2K slave labor camp? It clearly must be some kind of horrible predicament that people find themselves in to speak of playing a basketball video game as if they are instead toiling away in a coal mine or doing similarly hard labor.

A friendly reminder: this game is supposed to be fun. If you look at the prospect of playing a basketball video game as some sort of punishment or indignity that has to be suffered through rather than enjoyed, there's real possibility that this might not be the game for you.

Counterpoint: Who took this to 2k slave labor camp? Nobody except the author. If he actually paid attention to what the person wrote, then he might catch the point, which is that the amount of VC you earn per game isn't proportional to what you spend it on. A max contract is 1100 VC, and a shoe can be 5k VC. It might be less, but either way, a shoe costs more than what you earn. But, it's just cosmetics and doesn't have an effect on gameplay, so I personally don't really care about that. Problem is that if you start from 0 VC, then you're spending all your VC on upgrades, which costs a lot.

I don't have specific feelings towards this thing either way. Offline and online should be separated. Offline guys should have much more freedom. Archetypes, I think, are necessary online for balance. With that being said, "In a perfect world they'd be able to create a 7-footer who moves with quickness of Westbrook, etc. etc." Who said this except the author? He's just making things up. This is a problem I have with this kind of writing. He just takes everything people say to the extreme.

Don't feel much about this, I do think it can be unforgiving, but it's not the biggest deal in the world (And quite frankly doesn't really have much to do with the grind) But again, he says "What they are really seeking though is absolute validation after every game that they played the best possible game imaginable and could not have done one little thing better if they tried. But shouldn't an A+ grade be fairly hard to achieve?" He's right, an A+ SHOULD be hard to achieve. But again, his first statement is him just making things up. Nobody said that A+ should be easy. They said there are flaws in the grading system. That's all.

-He's not wrong about this, but this goes to another topic: there needs to be a mode, similar to the combine, where people can just play with preset builds and go at it competitively. These preset builds don't need to be demigods, but what they had at the combine last year was just fine. There are several other games doing just fine that give you a similar option and I don't think it's too much to ask to play on equal footing. There will always be people who want to have players with lots of badges and all that, park cheese etc., that's not going away, but there are also people who wish they can play a balanced mode where they're not at a constant disadvantage because somebody else plays the game far more frequently. There can be room for a grinded mode and a non-grinded mode.

He acknowledges this as a problem, and this IS a problem. There should be ways for everybody to play, and the nature of this mode can be rather exclusive. I don't think that's a good thing, to have a "Grind for weeks or pay $X for VC" entry fee.

Didn't really find this series of questions to pertain to "embracing the grind" so I'm not going to bother.

I would love to find the person that says "I want everything now" or even close to it. I think everybody has a different reason for not liking the system, so putting everybody under the same umbrella isn't right.

I'm a huge hoops fan. A lot of people here are. A lot of us like to play in different ways. And a very common gripe is that you are stuck with one player unless you fork over a crazy amount of time or money, and that dampens the experience. You see a game like NHL or FIFA where you can play these kinds of modes immediately without having to sacrifice so much, if I want to play defense one game I can, and I can play offense the next game. I'm not Messi or Crosby but I'm serviceable, you can't say that about a 60 rated player in 2k. it's disappointing to see 2k charging these prices while releasing a buggy as hell game (MLO is so broken right now and that would have been the other go to), and when EVERYTHING is centered around VC, you really can't afford to make mistakes with your build.

TBH, at first in 2k15, I didn't really care about putting in extra money for VC. It's the game I play most, and that extra cost didn't bother me. But throughout the years, they've done a bunch of little things that start to nag on you. Charging for animations, making you buy it for each player you make, limiting the VC you can earn from the phone app (It's only 100 VC a day, you used to be able to get 1000+ on a good day), upgrades used to cost MUCH less and it ballooned in 2k16 or 2k17, charging higher prices for animations, etc. It started making little things that much more annoying, especially buggy releases where Pro-AM doesn't work for the first 2 months of release. It really started to feel like they were trying to see how far they could go with it, good thing the community had such strong backlash or it would have been even worse this year.

As for the "Stop supporting it then" Well, I would, but they pretty much embellished some things about the game that are not holding up. MLO is a completely broken disaster and that's what I used to get 2k for. But even if I didn't buy the game, I'd still post these same complaints in hopes that next year's game is a better experience, and the year after. It's something called feedback and it's never going away.....

Last edited by ph33; 10-08-2018 at 04:37 PM.

2 Way Athletic Finisher Best Vc My Career 2k18
